Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hello everyone!

My name is Celia and I love all things cute, crafty or artsy. I've recently gotten to love collaging again. I used to do a lot of collaging when I was younger and now I see there's something called a "Smash Book" that's much like what I used to do with regular notebooks. Well, I recently bought a Smash Book on clearance at Target and am having lots of fun!

Likewise, I've also become addicted to customizing my planner. I've never been good with keeping a planner - little did I know that all it would take for me to get involved is the idea that I can be creative with my planner! It's all about the customization :)

I plan to use this blog to "archive" my planner and collages. Also, to share it with all of you! I hope you enjoy the blog if you take the time to look. Please feel free to comment, follow and email me!

Now - onto the fun!

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